Mrs. Abernethy's Cyber Chickens


Welcome to our website! We are a fifth grade class in Greenville, Pennsylvania. After taking a vote, our class named itself "Mrs. Abernethy's Cyber Chickens." Many of the pages listed here are dedicated to topics we are learning about in school. Students use the links to websites in their daily quest for knowledge. Feel free to use our links or just check out our great classroom projects, field trips, classroom pets and more! Thank you for showing interest in our classroom. We hope you enjoy the site!

Abernethy Acres Fieldtrips About Our Class About Mrs. A Book Adventure Challenge 24 Classroom Pets
Edline Gaggle Email Greenville School District Harry Potter Homework Helpers Holidays
Interactive Websites Learning Styles Lesson Plans Mrs. A's Cyber School Our Wikispace Parent Links
Podcasts Power-Points Research Sites Schoolyard Habitat Science Fair Stock Market
Smartboard Files Study Island Teacher Links Webquests